WATCH FOR FAKE YAHOO LOGIN SITES. These sites look EXACTLY like a yahoo site but their intention is to gather your user name and password. You could be unknowingly re-directed to one of these sites.
The following tips will help you avoid fake sites:
1. Check your Address Bar

Be sure the last part of the domain in your address bar is ""
If the last part of the domain is anything else, you are at a fake site
Check this BEFORE you ever enter your user name and password.
Here are some examples of fake domains:
2. Use secure login

3. verify the status bar (tools, status bar) shows the lock symbol

If you receive any messages about an unverified SSL certificate when you click secure login you may be at a spoofed site
Other good tips:
- Use a non-dictionary word password with a combination of letters and numbers
- Never use the same password for ANY other site
- Never give out your birthday. It is used for yahoo verification
- Make sure you have the latest version of Yahoo Instant Messenger
- Make sure your windows is up to date
- Always have a virus scanner running. AVG from Grisoft is a good free scanner.
- Scan for spyware with a program like ad-aware or
spy-bot on a regular basis.
- Use a program like zone alarm to verify only trusted programs are contacting the internetl.
- You can also capture ethernet traffic with ethereal to see exactly what is going on. This takes some knowledge of TCP/IP. Contact me if you need help